The Blog I Never Wanted to Post
A few moments ago, I was just staring at this blank page--waiting for something to sweep across it with wonderful words that normally would come easily for me. Not so easy this time, hence, the title of this post.
There I go again.... staring. Ok, every year there is an event, in Birmingham, AL, called, "Race for the Cure." I participated in this race, for the first time, in 2017 because a very dear friend, Marva, was diagnosed with cancer. The event was awesome, and everyone was supportive of one another throughout. I knew I would participate again whenever I could. That time, I walked in “support” of Marva, but I never thought I would walk in "memory" of her the next year. She passed on this day, March 15, 2018.
Marva was a native of the Bahamas, and my family (military) resided there for three years. We became friends quickly and remained friends until she took her last breath. I loved her, and I know she loved me the same. Her love for life was contagious!
Before she became terminally ill, we were able to spend time together in Atlanta, GA. I will never forget how I felt when I saw her again after ten years! Even though she kept me well aware of all that was going on, I still did not know what to expect when I saw her. But just like the day I met her; she was beautiful and strong! I remember we stayed up into the wee hours of the morning…talking and falling to sleep.
There is so much I can say about Marva, but I’ll do that later, another book perhaps. I will tell you that I want to hear her voice, hear her laughter, and most of all, feel the love that she showed always. I attended my friend's funeral in the Great Bahamas April 7th, 2018. I had not been back to the Bahamas in ten years, so the visit was see family/friends again, great! Not to see Marva...heartbroken!
My Marva can never be replaced, and I won't try. But I will do as she did and look to God for all things. Her faith even while in great pain, was nothing less than amazing.
If you have a friend that you say you love, please enjoy her/him. Faithful friends don’t hurt each other, they should bring out the best in one another. Cherish your friendship, so if that time ever comes to say goodbye, there will be hurt, but there will also be wonderful memories and no regrets.
I love you my dear Marva! You were a strength that I needed in my life! Your words always ring true...God's Gat It!
I love you, MyMarva!